Submited via Within Syria Blog we see the Famous ISIS T72av ,another T72av , 3 T72Ural ,and one T55 Another big surprise a TankBorne Improvised Explosive Device (TBIED), ISIS used such TBIEDs ,but this one got the turret on !Tanks T72AV Shafrah used the Syrian republican guard (SGR), which is adjusted in the structural workshops Claims that the used additional armor resists to all types of missiles antitank missiles, which are used in the syrian war It is also claimed that for financial reasons, this armor is equipped with only 37 tanks Syrian T72AV of the Republican Guard T72s of the Republican Guard were painted in a sand livery, whereas the 4th Armored Division's tanks tended to be green T72 Mahmia, early type with chain armor
Photo Report The Syrian Arab Army 2 Oryx Blog